Monday 2 April 2012


Positive reinforcement training or Clicker training requires a marker so that you can let your dog know the instant they do what you want them to do, then gives you time to get out that reward. A marker doesn't have to come in the form of a clicker, a simple "good" or "yes" works as well. I tend to use good when I don't have a clicker around, which until this week was a lot. I actually used to only use the word "good" because I didn't have a clicker.

 Once I got one though, I noticed a big difference. It is much faster to push your thumb on a button than it is to try to formulate a word in a split second. I often found with a word I was late by a couple seconds or I just forgot, or said it far to quietly. I started using a clicker for trick training and found it made things much easier and quicker, but your typical box clicker has some major set backs. It's hard to remember to carry a clicker with you and to have it ready to go at all times. I ended up putting mine a little elastic bracelet so I could wear it and always have it. This had it draw backs too though. If I needed my hand I had to let the clicker dangle and in order to use it I needed my other hand to help scoop it back up meaning I missed a lot of clicks. So I went back to saying "good" on walks or anywhere I thought it was too much of a hassle to use a clicker.

Then with some quick ebay searches I stumbled across the "Clik-R" from Premier Pet Training. Yeah, it's a clicker, you press it and it makes clicks. What's different about it? Ingeniously it has a finger loop on the back. This allows you to wear the clicker like a ring, meaning you have full use of your hand, and the clicker is always there the instant you need it. And it was only $5 including shipping. I have yet to try it at a training class, but so far I am in love. I can use my hand for anything without dropping the clicker meaning it is always available when needed. The other thing I enjoy about this clicker is it has  much softer click sound making it less irritating when you have to click like a mad person. That being said I did have to recharge the clicker because on our first walk with it he did not respond to the sound of the much softer click, he had to be taught that now this soft click meant a reward was coming.

So if you're into clicker training and have had issues in the past with the functionality of the clicker, spend the $5 and get this little thing. In a couple of days I have begun training more effectively and consistently because of this little device.


  1. I think clickers are amazing and I've found that dogs are more motivated with them. I think that distinct sound becomes so rewarding in itself that dogs want to work even more!

  2. thanks so much for posting about this! i struggle with my standard-issue clicker all the time, and desmond finds it to be a bit loud/snappy anyway. i'll definitely look into the little ring-type--i love it, and it's one less thing to juggle.
